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3D MODELING _In the primary and secondary school the potential of 3D modeling (and printing) are not linked to the purpose of "learning how to use the tool", but can be included in educational programs based on multidisciplinarity, on digital applied to the solution of real problems and on problem solving. Conceiving, designing and creating 3D objects not only helps pupils to hone their creative skills but develops their ability to solve real problems and to treasure the mistakes made. Precious is the reference to the descriptive geometry of orthogonal projections, to the concept of volume and to the reading of Cartesian space according to the three axes.
The use of simple and intuitive modeling software such as TinkerCAD can be included in an educational program to enhance the development of logical-mathematical, scientific, linguistic skills, and above all to bring out meta-skills and soft-skills.
Tinkercad: first steps - IC Pierluigi (Secondary)
Tinkercad: building a room - IC Gallicano (Secondary)
Tinkercad: tutorial - IC Gallicano (Secondary)
Tinkercad: photo story - IC Gallicano (Primary)
Tinkercad: Kokeschi doll tutorial - IC Gallicano (Secondary)
Tinkercad: making a daisy - IC Gallicano (Secondary)
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